About Me

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I'm a wife & mother. I live with my husband, our 2 children & the stinkbomb known as Gary. (He's a boxer.) Maybe I'm pleased as punch with my life on some days & maybe on others, I think of changes that must be made... You'll be, like, the 5th to know!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Maybe You Can Relate

Remember George Carlin? I used to love him. I loved the way he looked at ordinary things & brought to light the absurdity in them. One of my favorites was his sketch about our 'stuff." http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=8896213084482448693#

I can't seem to get my family members to contain their stuff. I complain about their stuff all over the place. I trip over their stuff. My basement is filled to the brim with stuff. The garage is literally overflowing with stuff.
                                                  My dog sleeps on top of their stuff.


The other prefers to relax on top of one of them.

My baby is 9 & is suffering some kind of anxiety over the idea of purging the sippy-cups. Do we really need chewed-up baby books? (Chewed on by the babies, mind you.)

Amvets is coming next week & it's a perfect time to get rid of stuff we don't need, don't use & that is still nice enough for someone else to want. All the clothes that she doesn't wear because they are too small or too itchy or just not her style (so she can find those that she does like & would want to wear) are perfect things to pack up & donate.

I clear away my old stuff all the time. There is ample space in my closet for more stuff. I have come to terms with my baby being 9 & thusly, am no longer holding onto my favorite pre-pregnancy jeans (that would be 12 years) or shoes... they're gone. Even if I could wear them, they must be hopelessly outdated. But I don't know for sure because, you see, I got rid of them a long time ago!

I got rid of a Liz Claiborne purse I wish I'd kept. Accidents happen & rash judements can be made in the desperate attempt to dig out from beneath all the stuff that is weighing me down.... However, I don't miss the purse enough to want back everything else that left with it.

There is supposed to be a rule about parting with one old item for every new item brought in...but my husband seems to think that tossing out a 6 month old issue of Entertainment Weekly is an even trade for Rock Band, which with options, comes with guitar, drums, microphone, keyboards, maybe a second guitar or bass & the disc itself which must be played on a gaming system that also has multiple controllers....

I like playing the game as much as the rest of them, but I don't like a plastic drumset in my living room. However, I'm not a big fan of the basket of controllers for the Wii, xbox, PS2 or 3 or whatever number we're on now.

My older daughter is in a panic because she wants to have some friends over for a game night & sleepover. She drew up a written proposal when presenting me with this idea. I agreed to her terms. She is now freaking out because it is all supposed to happen Friday & she can't seem to keep up with the piles of stuff.

Oh, I love how the tables are turning. I hope it makes a lasting impression.

I'll probably help, but...it's not my stuff.

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