About Me

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I'm a wife & mother. I live with my husband, our 2 children & the stinkbomb known as Gary. (He's a boxer.) Maybe I'm pleased as punch with my life on some days & maybe on others, I think of changes that must be made... You'll be, like, the 5th to know!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Baby, I Will Not be Patronized by the Patriarchy

There are things we talk about & things we don't. Things we share with our girlfriends & things not for 'mixed company.' Things we tell only those closest to us, & things we really don't tell anybody...

I'm going to talk about some of those things. I have been privileged to know some incredible women in my life, & I'm going to share their stories. I will change their names to keep their confidence, but their stories matter. They are important in today's anti-woman political climate. I will do my best to tell the stories matter-of-fact-ly. 

*As I know some of my readers know me & my acquaintances fairly well...I ask that even if you think you may recognize someone or their story here, you just leave it here, please. It's their business to talk about or not as they feel comfortable.

Nina was pregnant. During a routine ultrasound, it was discovered that the pregnancy was ectopic. She was married with 3 children. The hospital where her doctor had privileges was a Catholic hospital (& the nearest one to where they lived) & they refused to terminate her pregnancy even though it is well known that the baby cannot grow to term & can endanger Nina's own life, possibly leaving her husband a widower with 3 children to raise without her. They ended up driving to another hospital where her life & fertility were preserved & she had another baby in a few years.

Amy was a college student. She & her roommate went to the roommate's boyfriend's apartment for an evening to hang out & play drinking games. (I will not hear any judgments on the drinking. College kids do that with some frequency. It is normal.) Amy had a little more than she intended & passed out. She woke up sometime during the night because one of the boyfriend's roommates decided to help himself to the pretty girl passed out on the sofa. She woke up to his hands on her breasts beneath her shirt. She was able to tell him no loudly & forcibly enough that he backed away for fear of her waking others in the house, a clear sign that he knew what he was doing was wrong. Both girls had thought it would be a safe place & had intended to stay overnight. Amy said she tried to stay awake the rest of the night, but she was so sleepy that she thought walking home alone in the early morning hours & sleeping there was the best thing to do.

Claire told me that when she was a little girl, her brother sexually abused her. She was 5 when her mother happened to walk in & catch them. She doesn't know if anything was ever said to her brother who is nearly 5 years older than her, but she was lectured about what she thought she was doing until she was so shamed, she felt it was all her fault. (It cannot ever be a 5 year-old's fault. Period.) It was never mentioned again in her family. She doesn't even know whether her father knows what happened to her.

Christine started to remember childhood sexual abuse by a family member as an adult. She found the reality so traumatic as a child that she buried it & was unable to recover the events until adulthood. When she did, she revealed her memories to her parents who then felt guilt for not knowing & sparing her the abuse.

Eileen was hanging out with friends one day after [high] school & they were all having a fine time but the afternoon passed & eventually she was left with just the boy at whose house they were. They had dated in the past, but remained friends, & Eileen was dating somebody else at this point. The guy thought she might be interested in revisiting their history, but she was not. He tried to seduce her, pressured her, guilted her, challenged her, & used every method imaginable to coerce her into just getting it overwith...he thought he had scored. She felt used, betrayed & violated. The term 'date rape' didn't exist yet. It was years later when she realized that that is exactly what had happened to her. 

Jackie found herself pregnant at 18. She was not dating the father, but they were friends...friends with benefits as the saying goes. She did not want a baby. With or without the man's help, she did not want to be a mother when her whole life was ahead of her. She had plans. She was smart. She was young & ambitious & she'd simply miscalculated. For support, I went along to the abortion clinic, crossing the picket lines while horrible, angry people called us murderers. People who knew nothing of the fear she faced hurled insults, not even knowing which one of us within our circle of friends was having the procedure. It's not an experience I have forgotten all these years later.

Sofie was in her late 30s, with 3 children, one still quite young. She was previously divorced & was currently in a failing relationship when she discovered she was pregnant for a 4th time. Already relying on child support, alimony & government assistance to take care of her family, she did not want another baby putting off her return to work another several years nor did she wish to remain poor, working to pay for daycare. She opted for abortion. At this time, the abortion pill RU-486 had finally become available in the US & she was able to obtain a prescription from her doctor. She says it was a difficult decision because she loves being a mother, but she cannot regret it because she didn't need to be tied to the wrong man forever, & she has since been able to make a good life for herself & her 3 children that they wouldn't otherwise have.

As for me personally, I will share that I have found myself in some situations where I was definitely ill at ease. One instance that comes immediately to mind is when I was at an outdoor concert with some friends. We were packed pretty tightly together on a hill watching the band & some guy nearby asked me if he could bum a light. I let him. 3 times he did this. On the 4th time, he didn't ask me for a light. Honestly, I'm not even sure it was the same guy. I felt something on my shoulder where he'd tapped me the previous times & as I started to turn, a hand was clamped very tightly over my mouth so that I couldn't yell out. I always thought that if something would ever happen to me, NOTHING WAS GOING TO HAPPEN TO ME, my strong, loud voice would be my saving grace, but no, that was not the case. I was being pulled backward, & it was truly all happening in slow-motion. I kicked my foot out & hit my friend in front of me in the leg. She turned around to see who'd kicked her, saw the predicament I was in, & instantly grabbed at my hand that was reaching for her & pulled me away. The guy disappeared into the crowd. I have no idea what he looked like. Right there -in the middle of hundreds of people- & no one saw a thing.

I've heard other stories, but they come to me 2nd-hand & I don't want to diminish real stories by telling some where I don't have it from the source. This is just me & women I know. I'm 1 person. Think of all the women you know & figure the probability that you know victims too. Sexual assault is far too prevalent in our society.

Borrowed from a friend on facebook, her status recently said: 
Yes people, I'm pretty upset about this!!! If you, or anyone you know has been raped (and EVERY man and woman knows someone who's been raped), YOU should be upset about this too!!! (If you're on my page, then you do know someone). This IS NOTjust
a one-time comment or thought process of the Republican based party....This article talks about several, but not all of the other (men) who have used similar jargon and thought processes. And, there are many current US leaders who believe the same thing. Don't put your head in the sand and pretend like they don't. Open your eyes and realize that they are trying to reshape the future of women in the US and therefore the women of the world, and not in a positive way. 
I don't know to whom she was referring & I won't ask, but that's just how common it is.

Given that I love these wonderful women & the girls they once were, it makes me angry. Their lives were disrupted for what? They have scars, & for what? Some so jerk can feel powerful? Because some guy had an urge to dominate? The politicians in the Republican party trivialize these matters, trying to redefine rape as legitimate or forcible as opposed to coerced or unconscious....They seek to undermine or outlaw access to legal & safe contraception, abortion & other health screenings under the disguise of being 'pro-life.' They have vowed to cut funding to rape crisis centers & to domestic violence programs. These women's lives are not political points to score. They matter. They are flesh & blood mothers, daughters, sisters, aunts, nieces, cousins, teachers, nurses, nurturers....& they get to decide what happens to their bodies & in their lives for their own mental & physical well-being.

What gives anyone else the right, or rather, why would anyone else think s/he has the right, to dictate someone else's choices? How twisted is it to think one's own morality (& I hesitate to call it that because to me it is immoral) ought to trump another's freedom? How can anyone possibly know better than the one facing the consequences? Who lives with the memory- the pain or the relief? It is personal. It is another attack. And it is unacceptable.

When people fail to understand why I'm so passionate about politics, I want to hit them figuratively with a brick in the face. Why don't they get it? When they get angry with me for talking about it, or turn their heads away like I don't understand that there are other issues...I ask this: Are you identified 1st by gender or occupation or religious affiliation or race? The 1st thing people tell when spreading the news of a baby is its gender. It is an identity most of us carry throughout our entire lives. (From what I can find, transgender or transsexual people make up less than 1% of the population.) So yes, I do 1st feel a firm loyalty towards women's issues being a woman & the mother of girls. It is central to who I am as a citizen with my rights in jeopardy, my physical & mental health access at stake & my economic standards that are set below that of male counterparts....It is all connected! It is patronizing to belittle it.

Frankly, I really don't care who pays what in taxes if my children don't have dominion over their bodies in their futures. I don't care if the big banks fail & gas prices rise to $20 a gallon if they are not free to control their own body's reproductive functions. It all just ceases to matter once one becomes a prisoner to biology.

Baby, You Hilarious


Baby, You Hilarious

My children....a constant source of amusement....

We have been enjoying Friends reruns together this summer. Wow, I  feel old with how dated they are!! The other night, something mildly peculiar happened & I posted it to facebook--

Bruce on Friends
Watching an old episode of Friends with the girls & there is a guest star. 
I said, "Oh, he still had hair!"
Daughter #2: Who is it?
Daughter #1: Kevin Bacon
Me: Bruce Willis
They say, "Whose that?"

Bruce now

Kevin Bacon

You might ask, how did she know Kevin Bacon? A commercial. (I shake my head. It's just too sad.) She remembered him because Bacon "is a funny name." At least Bruce is in a couple of movies. I hope Kevin does something again. Bernie Madoff stole all his money. (Yes, they asked who's Bernie Madoff & what's a ponzi scheme.)  http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/people/m/bernard_l_madoff/index.html

I admit, I felt a little sad at that. And I wondered how one of them knew who Kevin Bacon was when she didn't know Bruce Willis. I tend to think Willis is the bigger star, the one still making movies. And that made me feel pretty old. (Raise your hand if it feels like you just played the game 6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon yesterday.) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Six_Degrees_of_Kevin_Bacon

Then just last night we were playing a quiz game, Sporcle, & we were filling in the topic Disney Animated Movies by Letter. Anytime I get a fun one, I read them aloud for the girls & my hubs to play too. Should have been easy.....But hubs could only come up with Pixar titles which weren't included. So Daughter #1 asks, "Does it include the really old ones too, like SteamTruck Mickey?" Steam. Truck. Mickey. I nearly wet my pants laughing so hard. "I'd guess it does include Steamboat Willy, since that started it all."

So then a little later, maybe we were slap-happy at this point, we were watching a show where there was a jackalope & some lady kept calling it a devil-bunny, which just struck me as hilarious. So Daughter #1 is relaying to her dad what I'm all giddy over, & she calls it a jack-o-lantern. Which puts Daughter #2 into peels of laughter because A, she loves catching her sister in an error, & B, it was nearly 11 PM. And possibly C, a lot of words that start with jack are pretty funny. Jackass. Jackhole. Jackwad. Jackaroo. Jackrabbit....

And then the best thing happened. Daughter #1, who is just so cool & doesn't like me talking too much about her, who also knows that I posted the Bruce/Kevin thing on facebook, asks me if I'm going to post either of these funnies on facebook? I gave her the "ehhhn." 

Truth is, I tried but my 2nd gen iPod keeps kicking me off & so it never went through. So I just told her no. Her response? "Why? Don't your friends need to be entertained by the hilarity that is me?"

Yep, I suppose they do, kid. Here ya go.

Summer Droolin' Baby

TUESDAY, JULY 24, 2012

Summer Droolin' Baby

I've been gone a long time. Lots of pressing business to tend to these days, like dirty dishes & dirty laundry. And then clean dishes & clean laundry. And dinner. And softball. I'm exhausted. 

It's summer vacation so that means extra work for me. More dishes, more meals, more laundry. I don't know why there is more laundry. Just trust me on that. There is. And because we had (it ended last week) 4 softball games a week, for about 3 hours per game, I just felt like all the time for me was absorbed. 

Ok, sure I had time to facebook & pin....but I've barely read anything & only been to the movies twice. I saw The Avengers with the family & Magic Mike with my girlfriends.  I liked them both. Lots of eye candy- bare chests & muscles, & the moves to show them off... I mean, look at these casts. Just look. Now wipe off the drool.

I realize that when you hear Avengers, & this may come to mind- - - -

- - - But I want you to think of this instead. See how yummy? Look at them! Hahaha!!

Look at their grins. (You can ignore Scarlet if you want. I do. She's pretty, but not my type.Captain America is missing from this shot. But look at that Thor. I think he is my favorite eye candy in this movie anyway. Truly adorable.And then we have a completely different type of story....

Aw, Mike. You look good. Really. Really, really good.

Every icon of masculinity is represented. Construction Worker... Cowboy... Police Officer... Sailor... Soldier... Fireman... And more! 

And you know they're acting when Matthew McConaughey is not only the least attractive (well, I reserve that for the big Tarzan guy) but the least likable character. But I don't want to give anything away. 

Contrary to what one might think, or assume is necessary, there was a plot. It wasn't complicated but it was entertaining.

Seriously, just look at them! And they danced for you, yes, just for you! They knew how to move their hips....oh, yes, they did!

They smiled & gyrated & flirted. They were sexy, raunchy & sweet alternately. And at times, funny & charming. Surprise!! But really, just look at them. You gotta love 'em. 

It was a lip-smackin' good time.  (Did I mention we went to celebrate my birthday & my husband made me a drool bib to wear? He's a keeper!!)

And now that we have some free time again, I think I want to see Batman. (I don't want to be sad & associate it with the tragedy in Colorado. That was just timing & opportunity. I just want to enjoy it for what it was meant to be.) It's just 3 movies all summer long. And guess what? There's more eye candy!! I mean, Christian Bale is a chameleon... scruffy, ugly & grungy sick in one film but all buff & smoldering hot in another. And it's win-win. We get to see a 'family' movie. The hubs gets his superhero fix. And I get eye candy. I like candy. 

Because this meme made me laugh,  I googled opening weekend stats & have found some variance among the numbers for The Avengers, but it seems to fall somewhere between $200-208 million. Holy packed theater, Batman!! Batman, despite the shootings, took in approximately $161 million....

Oh, but the competition isn't over yet, for it isn't an equal comparison. According to the Raw Story http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2012/07/23/latest-batman-movie-has-third-largest-opening-ever/   Batman is 3rd after The Avengers (1st) & Harry Potter (2nd) but that's apples & oranges. Avengers & Harry Potter are in 3D which have higher ticket prices. Batman is in 2D, which means that this Batman is the highest grossing film opening. 

And blah, blah, blah.

I'm not going because I think it's going to be the greatest cinematic treasure of my lifetime. I'm going to be entertained for a couple of hours. I hope it has a good story. I hope it looks good, & I do mean more than just Batman himself. I hope it makes enough money that they would consider doing another one, despite claims from the beginning that there would only be 3, because this has been my favorite Batman series of them all.

Magic Mike, if you're still thinking about those guys (& why wouldn't you be?) had a $20 million opening, & none too shabby considering only women aged 17+ & a few gay men were the entire market.
And now we're back, at least I am, to Batman!! (I mean, except for McConaughey, the guys in Magic Mike are a tad young for me.) But Batman isn't. Oh no, he isn't. 5 years, big whoop.

And by the by  -6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon- Christian Bale & Matthew McConaughey once did a movie together too. It wasn't a big hit but I thought it was an ok movie. It was called Reign of Fire & it had this other, relatively unknown at the time, majorly drool-worthy dude in it that I kept asking my hubs about....I said, "Mark it down, dude is gonna be big."  Gerard Butler, ladies. So if you want dragon-slaying apocalyptic eye candy, it was there. This pic of Christian Bale well may be from that film.

So the few summer movies I saw (or will see) have a theme....hot dudes with buff bods, hot dudes with buff bods, & hot dudes with buff bods. 

PS: I don't know who this guy is, & I don't care...but, right???? I don't care how big his pecs are & I actually hope he retains neck, but that right there? Shut. Up. 

And get me a fan.

Maybe I like to Break the Rules (Even When They're My Own)


Maybe I Like to Break the Rules (Even When They're My Own)

Remember back when I started writing this, I said I didn't want to use it for political commentary? Well, I have to put that thought aside for awhile. The political climate is so charged right now, that really, it just about consumes me.

Values that are core to what America is all about are being challenged. Values that I was taught & in which I believe, that are supposed to be protected by the Constitution are being challenged every day, & from what I can tell, nobody is noticing.

We are the United States of America! We are the model for freedom, the leaders for democracy, the nation that promises life, liberty & the pursuit of happiness...Truth, justice, the American way...& right now, we have a movement here that wants to dismantle all of the spirited, patriotic, noble & idealistic qualities we've claimed as our birthright.

It's right there in our Constitution that we have a government of the people, by the people & for the people. It's only natural to believe that it means 'all the people.' Last time I checked, I was a people. I also rediscovered that I am of the female variety, with a very strong feminist streak. Ok, I did not rediscover this...I reawakened this. Being all consumed with momminess the past decade-plus, & loving a good 75% of it (ha!) I didn't always pay close attention to all the issues. I relied a great deal on the snippets of TV news I could catch & word of mouth...Bad mommy.

As my children aged, I was able to pay more attention to the world outside our little abode. And I found out that, much as I like men (& I do, really, really like men) there's a lot of them that really just tick me off. I get all green...No, Mr. Freud, it isn't penis envy. I am not green with envy. I'm green like the Hulk! In the words of David Banner, "I'm getting angry. You wouldn't like me very much when I'm angry."

Maybe it is because my children are also female. Maybe it's that Mama Bear coming out in me. Maybe it's the whole idea that since the beginning of time, that things were supposed to be better for our children than they were for us. But I know I didn't like being told I couldn't do something because I was a girl, as if it disqualified me from a full life. I definitely have a strong sense of fair play, & to be told 'no' solely on the basis of my gender, well, let me tell you, that just isn't gonna fly. I mean, it's not like I wanted to play football. I hate football! (I do think, however, that if a girl wants to play, she ought to be able to play. Same as any boy.)

So as I rebelled against my Catholic upbringing, which quite honestly, a good part was due to the intrinsic sexism I could spot even as a child, I discovered that challenging the norms was not only amusing, it was necessary. But as I don't actually enjoy being in-trouble, I was cautious. I asked the priest in our parish & at least one of the nuns in school, "Why do men get to be deacons, priests, bishops, archbishops & cardinals, maybe pope, but women? Women are just nuns. Why aren't they permitted to climb the hierarchic ladder? Aren't they just as capable of teaching about God & Jesus as men?"

Of course they tried to phrase their answers nicely, make them seemingly palatable to an impressionable 12 year old girl, but the answer was always the same. No. 

No? Women aren't as capable as men to teach? Why then, in this particular Catholic school that I attended & by which every one of them was employed, were there 16 classrooms & only 1 male teacher? The principal was a nun & every member of the office staff was female. The gym teacher was female. The school nurse was a woman too....but women aren't as capable as men  to teach. Why? Because Jesus was a man. Adam was created first & Jesus was a man & the disciples were men & so it is men forever because it always was.

Now I don't know if this is the answer they meant to give me. I don't know if they thought they had to 'dumb-down' to a 12 year old girl. I don't know if they didn't know the answer or if they were not the type to ever question this themselves. I don't know if they'd do the same today, if asked again. What I know is, that getting that answer repeatedly was not good enough for me. Not as a 12 year old girl & not now. And in 30 years, the answer hasn't changed. It can be phrased & rephrased but the answer is always, in its core, because that is the way they want it. They being the men in charge who want to stay in charge.

Which is just super-well-stated in this quote by the president Jimmy Carter.

Now I don't care if you like him or not. I don't care if you're a Republican or a Democrat or anything else. I don't care if you believe in God or don't. I'm just sayin', the man makes the point & makes the point well. The point that turned me away from the Catholic church as a young girl & has prevented me from taking my own girls to church.

Because I'm not going to do that to them. I'm not going to tell them they can't do something just because they're girls. I'm not going to let them grow up angry at being considered 'less than' because they are girls. Because I'll tell you what, my gender has no bearing on my intellectual abilities, nor on my heart's capacity for love & compassion, & it sure hasn't been a hindrance in any area of my interest...nor will I passively stand by & let it become that for my children.

So despite our epic-ly scaled vision of self-importance as Americans, we are in crisis. There are men (& somehow, baffling as it is to me, some women) in power in our government that would take us back at least 40 years...even some would go further, 50, 60 years backward & eliminate progress for equality in America by limiting a woman's reproductive freedom. I'm not talking about who pays for what. That is irrelevant in the point that nobody can pay for what is outlawed. These are mostly state bills, & not federal, but it's a growing, frightening movement. Abortion is only the starting point. Read up on Personhood bills. These can effectively ban all hormonal birth control. Despite statistics showing that 99% of sexually active women use some type of birth control at some point... benefiting men, women & children by allowing families to plan when they choose to have children, or additional children, or any children at all. Because it's true that not all people wish to be parents, but most people (I'm guessing here) want to have sex. At some point. It's a normal, healthy thing, good for you even...not to mention, fun. And we don't have all the live-long day to debate, but there are other reasons women take The Pill besides contraception. There are. You don't have to take my word for it. Look it up if you can't think of any.

But hold up!! That's not all. That's not the only issue on the agenda that is seriously pushing me to get more involved, making me unable to keep my mouth shut, driving me to seek companions in my quest for equality...oh no. There is also the question of whether The Violence Against Women Act will be renewed, as well as the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act. These ARE federal issues. Many states have already done their damage though. Wisconsin repealed a fair pay act & Kansas decriminalized domestic violence. That's right. And meanwhile, the FBI expanded the legal definition of rape just prior to the Idaho state senator Winder said, & yes, I am quoting, "I would hope that when a woman goes in to a physician with a rape issue, that the physician will indeed ask her about perhaps her marriage, was this pregnancy caused by normal relations in a marriage or was it truly caused by a rape. I assume that's part of the counseling that goes on." Appalling. Absolutely appalling. I don't care whether you support abortion rights or don't, to imply that a woman doesn't understand if she has been raped or not, that it's ok if it was her husband, that she'd lie about it just to avoid a state-mandated vaginal ultrasound probe before obtaining what is a legal procedure...Damned if I know what's most disgusting to me. It's all offensive & misogynistic.And it doesn't stop there- oh no. There's also the talk show host that said, about the Virginia law mandating a vaginal ultrasound probe before obtaining a legal abortion, & yes, again I quote, " 'Oh what about the Virginia rape? The rapes that, the forced rapes of women who are pregnant?' What!? 'Wait a minute, they had no problem having similar to a trans-vaginal procedure when they engaged in the act that resulted in their pregnancy.' " Yes, that was in response to people saying that being forced to have a vaginal probe unnecessarily forced upon one equaled state-mandated rape, & this idiot says that it's ok, because there was already something once in her vagina that caused the pregnancy. 

In February, there was a congressional hearing about insurance coverage of birth control & the panel was made up of men & the testimonies were by men & a woman who was prepared to testify, you've all heard of Sandra Fluke (if not, look her up) was not permitted because she was considered to be 'unqualified.' The 5 witnesses on the panel were all male religious leaders or professors, including a Catholic bishop. Not very varied & not a uterus among them.

Oh, & hey, what about that separation of church & state? The wall Thomas Jefferson talked about? Remember him? The guy who wrote the Declaration of Independence who said we were all equal?

Thank goodness the Blunt Ammendment was defeated, the one that was proposed to allow employers to block a wide variety of healthcare services on the grounds of a vague heading of "religious beliefs & moral convictions" that could be extended to deny a wide range of services.  

Arizona has its own version...The Arizona state legislature passed a bill April 12th that not only would allow an employer (currently limited to "organizations that have a religious mission in their articles of incorporation" [which is an amendment to the original bill] & that operate according to their religious principles) to deny certain coverage if the employer has any religious or moral objection to them. It is so broad that it infringes upon privacy & removes a provision against discrimination thus allowing for the firing of an employee who chooses to make a decision, even paying out of pocket, that is contradictory to what the employer's beliefs are.

How does it matter what the employers religious or moral beliefs are when concerning one's own, the employee's, health care decisions?

How about we learn to trust women? Is that revolutionary or what? How about we decide to let them run their own lives & their own bodies & we just mind our own business? 

Hulk not happy. Neither is Mama Bear.

Now, I don't want to discuss all the factors. I don't care what your personal beliefs are as far as the creation of life or faith or abortion policies. I'm not debating beliefs. I'm not debating anything. I'm not pushing a political, personal or religious agenda. You are free to believe what you want.

Just like I am. I'm stating my sincere, human feelings of outrage at the attempted opression of women in our supposedly free & equal society. We are supposed to be allowed in this country to believe (or not) & worship (or not) as we choose. Less than 100 years after earning our right to vote & less than 40 years after earning the right to control our own bodies, we are still fighting for equality...fights that should be settled by now in a civilized society that wants to be a role model for the rest of the world. 

These are not women's issues. They are societal issues. It's not ok. It's not a legacy I want to leave to my daughters. 

They have value beyond their ability to produce offspring. They are not breeding stock. (Oh, how did I leave out the guy in Georgia that compared women to livestock? The one who thought they should carry dead fetuses until natural labor because that's what they do with pigs & cows...Pigs & cows! Seriously. I'm not making this up. Look it up.)

My children are smart & funny & talented & beautiful & athletic & they can do whatever they want to do...except perhaps control their own bodies &/or become pope. 

Why do women still have to work harder & fight harder for  life, liberty & the pursuit of happiness...truth, justice, & the American way...?

**Here is a link to the a relatively new group that needs support- http://unitewomen.org/unite/
& their facebook page for Unite Women- https://www.facebook.com/UniteWomen
I went to the rally at my state capital on 4.28.12 & I hope to attend more. I hope more people will join the action & rally for equal rights for all.

Baby, What The _____?!


Baby, What The ____?!

Remember the Arsenio Hall Show? He used to do a bit called, "Things That Make You Go, 'Hmmm'..." Or, as most of us today call it, WTF?! moments. I have a Pinterest board all dedicated, by the way, to things that make me go, 'hmmm.'

I have written about a few WTF?! moments in the past. (http://maybebabyme.blogspot.com/2010/10/as-you-know-from-my-baby-tests-me-i.html) If one decides to peruse that post, one may recall the grafitti on my mouse pad. It's worse now. The glittery smudges are nail polish.

Pinterest, here I come to make a better one!

So you know about the little street punks I'm raising with all the patience of Job...in OppositeLand. Well, here we go again.

This is how my day began.

I like my morning coffee. In fact, I don't want morning without a cup of coffee. So this morning, I reach into my refrigerator where we have long-standing rules about where things belong... You know, like, meat in the meat drawer & fruits & vegetables in the produce drawer & condiments go in the door.

Fair enough? We think so. My husband tolerates my OCD quirks (no, I don't really have a diagnosis because it isn't a quality of life thing, but, I do have my quirks) probably because I mostly tolerate his. However, we share this one. We don't want to dig through the cavern of the fridge shelving to locate a tiny bottle of Tabasco.

So I get up this morning, & I make my coffee, & I open the fridge to get out the Half-n-Half...& I am greeted by this sight.

Oh, hay-ell no.

Of course, I'm not alert enough to yell properly, so I grab my camera.

Ok, but seriously, WTF?! You see the salad dressing bottles all lined up neatly on the shelf above? Yes, that is the way everything shouldlook. Not this pile of gobbledygook.

Is it so, so hard to stand bottles upright? Are we in such a hurry that no one has all second to put away the ketchup properly? It's insanity, I tell you. Pure chaos. Pretty much the end of the world as we know it. Because God knows, the chocolate syrup does not belong with the tartar sauce & mustard & lime juice.

It should be on the bottom shelf with the whipped cream. Duh. Or, maybe WTF?!


  1. Ha! HAAAAA! Loved this. One of your funniest posts!!
    BTW, my pet peeve is the people who pout the squeeze ketchup bottles upside down, on the clear part. White part down people. White part down! That's the whole part of the new ketchup bottle design!
    1. White part down indeed!! Thank you.