About Me

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I'm a wife & mother. I live with my husband, our 2 children & the stinkbomb known as Gary. (He's a boxer.) Maybe I'm pleased as punch with my life on some days & maybe on others, I think of changes that must be made... You'll be, like, the 5th to know!
Showing posts with label recording conflict. Show all posts
Showing posts with label recording conflict. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Baby, I Heart My TV

The new fall season is approaching...& the TV execs are doing it again. It makes me mad.

I only have so much time to dedicate to the television. I will give them my evenings. Almost any night of the week, I am happily engrossed in a program on a network station. It's a great way to unwind. Mindless entertainment. (Well, not too mindless or I am not entertained.)

But every Fall as I, & millions of others across the continent, look forward to a new season of returning favorites & original new shows, the execs find a way to screw us out of our hopes. A little something for everyone is much too much to ask.

I understand the concept of competition...I do. But does all the competition have to be on the same 2 nights? I only have 1 DVR box capable of recording 2 programs. Monday night, for example, has 4 shows on at 8 o'clock that I like. They are not new shows. I already know that I like them. It's not a matter of trying something new.

I like Chuck. There it is. It's that easy. Zachary Levi as Chuck Bartowski is fun, endearing, charming & cute. (Like real people cute, not movie star cute. Relatable cute.) It's an action show with heart. And it's up against Dancing with the Stars!

Love dancing! I love the costumes & the sparkle, the beautiful people, the challenges & the successes....& Maksim Chmerkovsky. Actually, I like a lot of the dancers. They are seemingly nice people. It's a 'reality' show, a competition, yet they are cooperative & supportive. It's sweet & refreshing. Even when the judges are a little cranky & a little tough, they do it with humor. You could be left scratching your head  deciphering what they've said & it's all fun.

Then there is House. Curmudgeonly yet heroic, addict & genius, Dr. Gregory House isn't easy to like, but we do. We really do. Here's a tip: it's never sarcoidosis.

Barney, Ted, Robin, Marshall & Lily round out the Monday night conundrum. How I Met Your Mother is sort of like Friends, but Barney is 'successful' with women & his career & Joey was only successful with women. Barney is my favorite part of the show. Ted is my least favorite. He's the straight guy all the funny is played against.

It's a lose-lose for me. This is only Monday. There's competition all week, yet all the stuff I really want to see is lumped on 3 nights. Share the wealth! Spread it out! Give us something Sunday through Thursday! We can all do well....the networks & the viewers will all succeed if they just understood that a show that has been successful on Tuesdays at 10 for 10 years has no business moving to Wednesdays at 9 & competing with TV's freshest sitcom, Modern Family. Do you hear me, SVU?

I can subscribe to hundreds of channels, I can record, I can play back when it is more convenient, & I can fast-forward through ads... but I still can't find anything on a Saturday. I <3 my TV, but this is crazy.

I think I'm going to have to jump back in time to find an old VHS tape to start recording until something inevitably fails & is removed from the conflict....sigh. Seriously.