I only have so much time to dedicate to the television. I will give them my evenings. Almost any night of the week, I am happily engrossed in a program on a network station. It's a great way to unwind. Mindless entertainment. (Well, not too mindless or I am not entertained.)
But every Fall as I, & millions of others across the continent, look forward to a new season of returning favorites & original new shows, the execs find a way to screw us out of our hopes. A little something for everyone is much too much to ask.
I understand the concept of competition...I do. But does all the competition have to be on the same 2 nights? I only have 1 DVR box capable of recording 2 programs. Monday night, for example, has 4 shows on at 8 o'clock that I like. They are not new shows. I already know that I like them. It's not a matter of trying something new.
I like Chuck. There it is. It's that easy. Zachary Levi as Chuck Bartowski is fun, endearing, charming & cute. (Like real people cute, not movie star cute. Relatable cute.) It's an action show with heart. And it's up against Dancing with the Stars!
Love dancing! I love the costumes & the sparkle, the beautiful people, the challenges & the successes....& Maksim Chmerkovsky. Actually, I like a lot of the dancers. They are seemingly nice people. It's a 'reality' show, a competition, yet they are cooperative & supportive. It's sweet & refreshing. Even when the judges are a little cranky & a little tough, they do it with humor. You could be left scratching your head deciphering what they've said & it's all fun.
Then there is House. Curmudgeonly yet heroic, addict & genius, Dr. Gregory House isn't easy to like, but we do. We really do. Here's a tip: it's never sarcoidosis.
Barney, Ted, Robin, Marshall & Lily round out the Monday night conundrum. How I Met Your Mother is sort of like Friends, but Barney is 'successful' with women & his career & Joey was only successful with women. Barney is my favorite part of the show. Ted is my least favorite. He's the straight guy all the funny is played against.
It's a lose-lose for me. This is only Monday. There's competition all week, yet all the stuff I really want to see is lumped on 3 nights. Share the wealth! Spread it out! Give us something Sunday through Thursday! We can all do well....the networks & the viewers will all succeed if they just understood that a show that has been successful on Tuesdays at 10 for 10 years has no business moving to Wednesdays at 9 & competing with TV's freshest sitcom, Modern Family. Do you hear me, SVU?
I can subscribe to hundreds of channels, I can record, I can play back when it is more convenient, & I can fast-forward through ads... but I still can't find anything on a Saturday. I <3 my TV, but this is crazy.
I think I'm going to have to jump back in time to find an old VHS tape to start recording until something inevitably fails & is removed from the conflict....sigh. Seriously.