About Me

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I'm a wife & mother. I live with my husband, our 2 children & the stinkbomb known as Gary. (He's a boxer.) Maybe I'm pleased as punch with my life on some days & maybe on others, I think of changes that must be made... You'll be, like, the 5th to know!
Showing posts with label responsibility. Show all posts
Showing posts with label responsibility. Show all posts

Monday, November 1, 2010

Maybe It's Only My Opinion

The 3 things we're not supposed to talk about : money, politics & religion.... Elections are tomorrow. They encompass all 3 of these topics, don't they? Since it's on the brain, here goes.

1.) I like money. Who doesn't like money? You need it. That's how you buy what you need. There are things people need, for instance, food, shelter, & clothing. I think I was actually taught in school that those 3 things, in fact, are all anybody really needs. Everything else is a want. I have to disagree with that. Oh, don't act surprised! You knew I would! Those of us in colder climates, we also need heat. It's November 1 & it was 31* when I sent my children out to the bus. It's cold. Even the arctic tribal people made fires, didn't they? If they could find something to burn, like whale oil?

2.) I don't like politics. Surprise! In this country, we're blasted by the 2 big parties saying that everything is black or white, right or wrong, conservative or liberal, right-wing or left-wing, Republican or Democrat, our way or their way, us or them...& that us or them thing turns into us versus them. Personally, I'm middle of the road & independent & I have cast my ballot for both parties for various reasons. And the thing that supposed to be so great here in the USA, that we all get to vote & we all get our say...irks me when people who have no idea what is really going on get as much say as people who are informed. If you really don't know the issues, you are part of the problem. And people who are so tired of the stalemates & the filibusters & the 'game' of politics & the lies, well, they just don't vote at all. I'm ok with everyone not agreeing on everything (I mean, that's ridiculous a concept, isn't it?) but I get irritated when people spew blatantly false information & supposition as though they're on the inside track. Obama is a Muslim! Bush just went to the Middle East to try to finish what his dad didn't! I seriously can't abide it when it is so easy to disprove. This is the age of information, people! Look it up! I recommend you don't believe everything you randomly hear in that vague land of Somewhere. Make an informed decision & do your civic duty. Complacency certainly won't change anything, & no one is really 'above' such a privilege.

3.) Religion....that's where things get mighty tricky. Let's put it out there. We're all biased. Nobody can prove anything. It's conjecture or mythology to some. To others, it's comfort: the truth, the light & the way... It's faith. It's belief. It's tradition. It's community. It's bigger than we are. Hundreds of years of war haven't made people see the same thing the same way. How can people ever agree on one belief when even within many a given religion, there are multiple sects? Scientologists aren't the only non-God religion, & then of course, the atheists & deists don't see one at all. I've come to the conclusion that I don't really like religion. I do not have a problem with anyone's spirituality. Really, that's like saying you can't like yellow. But religion itself...that's really political. There's a corporate ladder in organized religions & then the various centers for worship have their leader, their moral center, who then becomes a community leader who then influences politics &  finance... It's a slippery slope.

The passion 1 person can show when discussing his or her beliefs about any of these 3 taboo topics can be immense. I've been known to fall for the bait & get entangled before I realized....People get mad. Oooh, yes, people like to be right! Hey, I do too. I'm totally human. (I had a Psychology teacher open class once with the statement, "The mind had 2 goals: survival & to be right." That has always stayed with me.) I can agree to disagree about any these things. But fair warning, I'm never going to be won over in politics with a religious argument, nor will I be converted or open to changing my opinion in any argument that starts with the phrase, "The Bible says..." unless we're literally arguing what the Bible says...& then you'll have to show me & prove it, because I'll argue my right to my opinion, but I won't argue a fact unless I am absolutely 100% sure of my facts.

It really is a 'live & let live' country we're in. Don't bother me & I won't bother you. Wouldn't the world be a boring place if we all thought the same things all the time? I like that we're different. We'd lose all creativity & productivity! How could there be a next great insight or invention? I think everything would be beige... which is great when paired with absolutely any other color in the universe, but pretty dull when flat beige is all there is....