About Me

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I'm a wife & mother. I live with my husband, our 2 children & the stinkbomb known as Gary. (He's a boxer.) Maybe I'm pleased as punch with my life on some days & maybe on others, I think of changes that must be made... You'll be, like, the 5th to know!
Showing posts with label service. Show all posts
Showing posts with label service. Show all posts

Monday, November 22, 2010

Maybe I'm Just a Sap

There are 2 days until Thanksgiving.
In this crazy, commercialized land of plenty of I wants, I will take a moment to list most of that for which I am grateful.

My parents- who are still alive & kicking, relatively healthy, who live a quick 5 minutes' drive away, who are kind, accepting, forgiving & generous, with their money, their time & their hearts.
My siblings & their spouses- who are relatives but also friends who've grown with me & fought with me & laughed with me, who've cried with me & played with me & loved me.
My husband- my partner, my friend, my love who accepts me & challenges me & spoils me, is strong for me, who lets me be me & is always there for me.
My daughters- who love me, need me & hug me, who learn from me & teach me & always make me proud.
My nieces & nephews- who are such a pleasure to see because they are all so charming & talented & smart!
My aunts, uncles & cousins- a vast & varied bunch, they are friendship & a shared history, a sense of belonging to something in a big, wide world.
My Doodle- & even Gary- that's unconditional love through & through, constant companionship & a source of entertainment.
My friends- my cherished peeps with whom I can be myself, be silly, vent my frustrations, get a fresh perspective, lean on for support...they are a crazy & wonderful, essential part of my life.
My country- for freedom, for protected rights, for relative wealth & health & safety...
Our military- for protecting that freedom & preserving that health, wealth & safety, for giving up theirs so that we can enjoy ours.
Firefighters, Police, EMS- our 1st respondants to emergencies, people who risk their lives to save ours every day in every town.
Service people- for doing such oft thankless jobs that few others want to do, washing dishes, making beds, waiting tables, collecting trash, cleaning sewage, & all the other grunge work that gives us such a high quality of life in the US.
Teachers & school staff- for enriching our children's lives, educating the masses, ensuring their safety & well-being while they are in your care.
Doctors & Nurses, medical personell- for taking care of us when we feel our worst as well as when we're at our best, delivering our babies & seeing our grandparents are comfortable in their last days...
Our President (& other government representatives)- for leading our nation to the best of their ability, doing a difficult job amidst much criticism, trying to fulfill their promises & reach compromises so they can do the best they can for those who elected them, for serving with integrity & honor & hope & working everyday to make the country & the worls a better place....

Other things for which I feel thankful....
indoor plumbing
clean drinking water
toothbrushes & toothpaste
soap, shampoo & conditioner
safe food sources & plenty of it
household appliances
heat & air conditioning
medical advances
postal delivery
books & libraries
changing seasons
hair coloring & make-up & jewelry (Makes being a girl a lot more fun!)

And because we're so accustomed to taking so much for granted, I'm sure these lists are terribly incomplete.

Happy Thanksgiving to all my 3 readers. :~) Take a moment to appreciate all the joys in this life, work toward extending it beyond our own little bubbles, & pray for peace...